This is my daily ritual. Ormus (for brain function) is drank in the am, and MMS (to aid in curing my hepatitis C) in the pm. They are both mixed with organic apple juice to aid with the unpleasant taste. I have had remarkable results with both of these natural substances.

1 Response to "Day 15 Monday 1-12-09"

  • About Me

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    Who I Am . . . I am a Colorado native, living in Florida (yes by choice) I have lived in Florida since 1985, and I live here now with three dogs, a Umbrella Cockatoo, a couple of ghosts and a complicated beautiful man. I met him on-line, and I love him more everyday. I have white hair that is more beautiful then fresh fallen snow. I can’t stand to wear uncomfortable shoes, but I love to paint my toenails. There are few things as beautiful to me as the musical lilt of mountain speech or the sound of a crying fiddle. I am a proud liberal pro-choice feminist. I am a white person who cares deeply about racial equality. I am a straight person who cares deeply about gay rights. I am spiritual, but not religious. I meditate, study Buddhism,believe in natural medicine, and yes I talk to angels. I believe in hope and transformation. I believe that love is stronger than fear. I believe in the magic that lives between the writer and the reader. I believe in the healing power of creativity. I believe that each one of us on this planet is an artist with a story to tell. I'm telling my story as honestly as I can.
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